“I am a Canadian IMG who studied for MCCEE during my clinical rotations in the US. I passed on my first attempt with only 1 month of study time using only the CanadaQbank. I feel if I had spent a little more time with just the Qbank, I would have scored much higher. Considering the short amount of time I had, I am glad I had CanadaQbank to help me get through the MCCEE. Thank you!”
- Sana A.
Toronto, CANADA * M.D. * International Medical Graduate (IMG) * No Speciality Yet * Studied for 1 month(s), with CanadaQBank.com's 'QBank for the MCCEE'. Passed with a score of 318. Percentile rank: 82
Over 20,000 medical students and physicians from 136 countries have subscribed to CanadaQBank.com since 2011.