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Issue Two | August 2010

CanadaQBank has
3000+ Questions

Sample Question -
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Analysis -
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Question and Case Developers

CanadaQBank continues to develop the very
best questions and cases for the Medical
Council of Canada Evaluating and Qualifying exams (the MCCEE, the MCCQE Part 1 and
the MCCQE Part 2).

We would like to hire some motivated and talented physicians who can contribute their time and knowledge to our QBanks.
This is what we need developed:

1. CDM (Clinical Decision Making) Cases
    created for the MCCQE Part 1.

Guidelines on how create CDM Cases:

Sample CDM cases: View the free Demo
    to see the details of this CDM QBank for
    the MCCQE Part 1:

Enter the username:
[email protected]

and the password:

In addition we can email you several
     more sample CDM Cases if you need.
Topics to create CDM Cases about
    are listed here:
Unused, incorrect only, or all
    question selections

Note: You are not limited to these topics, you may create CDM Cases about other topics as well, as long as they are part of one of the following six subjects tested on this exam:

General Medicine, Pediatrics, OBGYN, Surgery, Psychiatry, PMCH (Preventive Medicine and Community Health) (Note: Ethics and Epidemiology are part of the PMCH category

2. Testlet Cases created for the
    MCCQE Part 1.

Guidelines on how create CDM Cases:

Sample Testlet Cases: View the free
   Demo to see the details of this Testlet
    QBank for the MCCQE Part 1:

In addition we can email you several more    sample Testlet Cases if you need.
Topics to create CDM Cases about
    are listed here:

Note: You are not limited to these topics, you may create CDM Cases about other topics as well, as long as they are part of one of the following six subjects tested on this exam:

General Medicine, Pediatrics, OBGYN, Surgery, Psychiatry, PMCH (Preventive Medicine and Community Health) (Note: Ethics and Epidemiology are part of the PMCH category

How it Works:

Once you have completed the development of a Testlet case or CDM case, please email it to us at: [email protected].
You can work at your own pace.
When we receive it, we will review the case. If it needs any editing or improvement, we will inform you.
Once the case is approved, we will add it to our website. At that time, we will send payment directly to your PayPal account.

Ideal candidates should meet the
following criteria:

Good English and grammar skills
Medical school student or    graduate
International medical graduates
    are most welcome


Excellent compensation: $40 per     Testlet case. $40 per CDM case.
    Payment will be made directly to
    your PayPal account.
Free subscription for you to our
    QBanks for the duration that you
    are developing questions and
    cases for us.
Work from home. No time     pressure. Excellent guidance
    from us throughout the
Up to 3 free online
    subscriptions to our QBanks
    (may include family members
    and colleagues/friends)
Physicians with excellent
    communication and teaching
    skills may be considered for
    long term involvement with
    future CanadaQBank projects,
    including development of our
    flashcards and videos in the
    near future.

How to Apply:

All interested applicants are encouraged to submit their CV to: [email protected]
We will guide you step by step as to how to create the questions and cases. But we do need your help and expertise!

Why is Newfoundland and Labrador a good place to consider when relocating?
Newfoundland and Labrador is a very safe, beautiful part of Canada that still has a very reasonable cost of living, a low crime rate, and a lifestyle that holds fast to traditional family and community values. There are lots of winter sports (skiing, ice fishing, skating, snowboarding, ice hockey, snowmobiling, etc.) and endless summer activities (golfing, baseball, soccer, swimming, jogging, sea kayaking, etc.). It is the perfect place to work and raise a family. The culture speaks for itself in terms of hospitality, talent and unique identity.

Have a look at the following web sites and see for yourself why Newfoundland and Labrador is such a wonderful place to live:;;;

What kind of weather can I expect?
The weather in Newfoundland and Labrador is constantly changing, but we like to describe it as `moderate` because it never gets so hot that air conditioning is a must, nor so cold to limit enjoyment in outside activities. Our summers are beautiful with temperatures that are perfect for a stroll along the beach or a dip in the pool and barbecues in the back yard. We have a natural attraction to organized sport and most people, especially the children, participate in a variety of activities throughout the year. The fall is beautiful with the leaves changing to bright reds and flaming oranges before falling off the trees. When winter arrives you can expect lots of snow and every winter sport imaginable! When the ground is blanketed in snow the scenery is breathtaking. Although the spring is late, the snow melts quickly, flowers start to bloom, and everything starts coming to life after five months of winter. You can view the current weather conditions and answers to some of your questions at this web site:

If I come to Canada to live and later determine my eligibility to work as a physician, how long can I be away from practicing in my profession?
This is a very important question and may vary from province to province in Canada. It is best answered by the professional licensing authority In Newfoundland and Labrador, time out of practice is considered seriously when a CV is being reviewed for licensure. It is best that you have practiced in a licensed capacity in the specific area of practice within the year of application. Significant lapses in practice experience can impact eligibility for licensure or can mean that you will need access to a training opportunity like the Clinical Skills Assessment and Training Program. This is not a program that you can apply for directly, but the licensing authority may recommend you to this program if your circumstances meet the criteria.

I am interested in positions that are not yet posted, but rather a forecasting of what might be available in the next few years. Who can provide that information?
Physicians are strongly encouraged to forward an electronic copy of their CV along with an indication of when they would consider relocating to the Provincial Physician Recruitment Office at [email protected] or faxing a copy to 709-777-8296. This will initiate regular communication that will allow us to contact you as vacancies become available just in case the opportunity is the one you would like to discuss further. You can also indicate an interest in regular updates on the website. Specific questions about locations or disciplines can also be forwarded and the information you need will be researched and provided.

What is the remuneration and benefits for locums in Newfoundland and Labrador?
Physicians interested in locum opportunities can register for regular updates on locum availability or simply forward an electronic copy of your CV for circulation to all or select health authorities in the province. The listing of current locum opportunities are posted here on In fact we can list your name as being available on the section and this will alert private clinics of your availability. Effective October 1, 2007 the remuneration for locum services is as stated in the Memorandum of Agreement, $662.00 per 24-hour day. If you cover a weekend, meaning Friday beginning at 4 p.m., all day Saturday and Sunday, you are paid an additional $433.00 for the Friday and the locum day amount of $662 for Saturday and again for Sunday. The benefits may vary per region, but usually include travel, accommodation, meals and transportation. Some Health Authorities will also reimburse locum licensing fees. Effective October 1, 2007, remuneration for Specialists is $732 per 24-hour day.

I am interested in arranging site visits to more than one community, what is the best way to organize a multi-site visit?
We do not have a formal process for arranging a multi-site visit, however the Provincial Recruitment Office would be happy to help facilitate such a visit through the Regional VPs of Medical Services. Please call (709) 777-6031 to discuss potential locations and site visit dates.

I want to return to post-graduate studies, is there funding that can help me make that transition?
Physicians practicing in Newfoundland and Labrador who wish to return to post-graduate studies can apply for the Travelling Fellowship Program sponsored by the Department of Health and Community Services. The criteria and the application form can be printed from the “Bursaries” section of this website. Briefly, the program supports physicians who must travel to other provinces for post graduate studies by paying the PGY salary during the period of training. For this program, the specialty you are considering must also be recognized as a discipline needed in the province. Physicians must negotiate such an arrangement with the university program of their choice. There is a return in service commitment required by the province. Successful applications are determined through a committee structure. Physicians who intend to study at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador can apply the Special Funded Program that is co-sponsored by MUN Post-graduate Studies and the Department of Health and Community Services.

I want to join a primary care clinic, please advise of the primary health care team areas in the province.
Primary Health Care in Newfoundland and Labrador falls under the mandate of Public Health and Population Health. At the present time the Primary Health Care Initiative in Newfoundland and Labrador has 8 Primary Health Care Team Areas with more in the planning stages for the next few years. If you would like to notify any of these PHCTA of your interest, please contact the VPs of our Primary Health Care Team Areas directly:

Noreen Dort |
[email protected]

Heather Taylor [email protected]

Diane Alyward
[email protected]

Rosemarie Goodyear
[email protected]

Or contact the Provincial Physician Recruitment Office ([email protected]) who can facilitate presentation of your CV to these Team Areas on your behalf.

I want to advertise a position at my clinic, how can you help with the promotion of the vacancy?
You can post the practice information about your vacancy directly to this website. This will automatically enter the vacancy on the provincial website, This site is continuously promoted to Canadian Residents in Post Graduate Programs across the country.

I want to meet with residents, how can you help me organize a recruitment meeting?
Physicians who want to promote an opportunity are encouraged to schedule a visit with Family Medicine Residents after their Core Content study day at the Medical School once a month. This is an opportunity to provide detailed information about your clinic to the residents who are completing rotations in St. John`s and surrounding areas. Please contact the Provincial Physician Recruitment Office at 777-6031 to discuss potential dates.

Can you provide the contact information for recruitment staff in each health authority?
The recruitment staff in each of the four regions are as follows:


Dr. John Guy VP, Medical Services Phone: (709) 777-1378
Fax: (709) 778-6307
Email: [email protected]


Dr. Michael Zuckerman VP, Medical Services
Phone: (709) 292-2151
Fax: (709) 292-2249
Email: michael/zuckerman@c


Dr. Ken Jenkins VP, Medical Services Phone: (709) 637-5000, Ext. 5168 Fax: (709) 634-5063
Email: kenjenkins

Dr. Michael Jong VP, Medical Services
Phone: (709) 897-2268
Fax: (709) 896-4032
Email: [email protected]

What is the physician recruitment strategy for the province?
Newfoundland and Labrador is particularly focused on graduates of MUN Medical School and MUN Post-graduate Residency Programs. The province, in cooperation with the medical school and the regional health authorities have established a Provincial Physician Recruitment Office within MUN Medical School. The role of the Coordinator is to identify opportunities to demonstrate to students, residents and alumni that the province is actively recruiting throughout their entire training and career. Our provincial physician recruitment statistics clearly indicate that our best retention experience has been with our own graduates. These physicians have contributed to all aspects of our health care system and represent the physicians who practice in the province for extended periods, if not all, of their career. Each of our Regional Health Authorities work closely with the provincial office, but also work independently of one another to ensure effective recruitment to specific regions.

Where can I find the most complete list of vacancies in the province, both with private clinics and with regional health authorities?
This website is designed for your convenience. Each Regional Health Authority enters vacancy information directly to this website which means there is no lost time in posting vacancies. However, MUN Residents should not rely only on the list of vacancies presented, but should inform the VP os Medical Services in the particular region of their interest as early as possible, even at the beginning, of you residency program. There are many issues that delay posting a vacant position, such as pending retirement, new programs, enhanced services and physician mobility. Make sure we know about your personal interest by contacting the Provincial Physician Recruitment Office or initiating direct contact the the VP of Medical Services in the Region that interest you:

Dr. Ken Jenkins
(709) 637-5000, Ext: 5168; [email protected]

Dr. Michael Zuckerman
(709) 292-2151;

Dr. Michael Jong
(709) 897-2268;
[email protected]

Dr. John Guy
(709) 777-1378; [email protected]

Is it possible to practice in French in Newfoundland and Labrador?
Yes. There are three main concentrations of Francophones in Newfoundland and Labrador: the Port-au-Port peninsula, Western Labrador and the St. John`s region. As language of service has been identified as a determinant of health outcomes, all three communities have expressed a need to access a greater number of primary health care services in French. Physicians who are able to speak French would have the opportunity to practice in that language in these three areas, as well as in regions such as Happy Valley-Goose Bay and the Labrador Straits. Furthermore, French-speaking physicians in St. John`s also have the opportunity to serve the residents of the French islands of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon who are frequent visitors to hospitals in the capital city.

Steps to becoming a licensed practicing physician in Canada:

Step 1: Take the exams

Medical Licensing Exams of Canada

Prepare for the exams --> Canada QBank: //

Take the exams --> Medical Council of Canada:

Step 2:
Learn as much as you can
about how to be a physician
in Canada

IMG Support Groups and
Information resources

Association of International Medical Doctors of British Columbia
c/o Coordinator, BCITP Net
(British Columbia Internationally Trained Professionals Network)
Surrey Delta Immigrant Services Society
1107-7330 137th Street
Surrey, BC V3W 1A3
Email: [email protected]
Tel: (604)-729-6598

Alberta International Medical
Graduates Association (AIMGA)

1409 Edmonton Trail NE, Suite 205
Calgary, Alberta T2G 3K8
Tel: (403)-520-7730 or
Email: [email protected]

Association of Foreign Medical Graduates
of Manitoba (AFMGM)

Email: [email protected]
Tel: (204) 284-8509
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba

Association of International Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (AIPSO)
2 Carlton Street, Suite 820
Toronto, ON M5B 1J3
Tel: (416) 979-8611
Fax: (416) 979-9853
Email: [email protected]

Access Centre for Internationally Educated Health Professionals:

Hamilton International
Healthcare Professionals
c/o Settlement and Integration Services (SISO)

360 James Street North, Lower Concourse
Hamilton, ON L8L 1H5
Tel: 905-521-9917 ext 256
Fax: 905-521-9216
Email: [email protected]

c/o Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre
46 Mount Hope Street,
Kitchener, ON N2G2J3
Tel: (519) 745-2531 |
Fax: (519) 745-5857
Email: [email protected]

c/o London Cross Cultural Learner Centre 505 Dundas Street,
London, ON N6B 1W4
Tel: (519) 432-1133
Fax: (519) 660-6168
Email: [email protected]

Welland/ Niagara-St. Catharines
c/o Welland Heritage Council and Multicultural Centre
26 East Main Street,
Welland, ON L3B3W3
Tel: (905) 732-5337 (Welland)
Tel: (905) 685-1353 (St. Catharines)
Email: [email protected]

c/o Catholic Immigration Centre
219 Argyle Avenue,
Ottawa, ON K2P2H4
Tel: (613) 232-9634 |
Fax: (613) 232-3660
Email: [email protected]

c/o Windsor-Essex International
Medical Graduates
P.O. Box 27056
7720 Tecumseh Road
East Windsor, ON N8T 3N5
Tel: (519) 991-0763
Email: [email protected]

c/o Guelph and
District Multicultural Centre
214 Speedvale Avenue West, Unit 7
Guelph, ON N1H1C4
Tel: 519 836 2222
Fax: 519 837 2884
Email: [email protected]

International Medical Graduates (IMGs):

Association of International Physicians & Surgeons of Nova Scotia (AIPSNS)
c/o Association of International Physicians
& Surgeons of Nova Scotia
One Research Drive
Dartmouth Nova Scotia B2Y 4M9
Tel: (902) 442-4655
Email: [email protected]

Step 3:
Obtain a residency
(post graduate training
position) in Canada

Specific Programs for
International Medical Graduates

British Columbia:

International Medical Graduates of
British Columbia (IMG-BC) Program

661-1190 Hornby Street Vancouver,
British Columbia
Tel: (604) 682-2344 local 62655
Fax: (604) 806-9902
Email: [email protected]


Alberta International Medical
Graduate Program

University of Calgary, Faculty of Medicine
Room G212, Health Sciences Centre
3330 Hospital Drive N.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2N 4N1
Tel: (403).210.8184
Fax: (403).210.8166
Email: [email protected]

Calgary Clinical Assistants Program
Southport Tower
10301 Southport Lane SW, #5122
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2W 1S7
Tel: 403 943 0764
Fax: 403 943 0916
Web: http://www.calgaryhealth

Clinical Opportunities for
International Medical Graduates
in Alberta

IMGCP - International Medical
Clinical Preceptorship

IMGSP - International Medical
Graduate Surgical Preceptorship

Capital Health, Medical Affairs

Physician Preceptorship Programs
Suite 500, North Tower,
Capital Health Center
10030 – 107 Street, Edmonton,
AB T5J 3E4
Tel: (780) 735-0702 |
Fax (780) 735-0756
Email: [email protected]


Pilot Project for the
Assessment of IMGs

The College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Saskatchewan

Associate Registrar
211 4th Avenue South
Saskatoon, SK, S7K 1N1
Tel: (306) 244-7355
Email: [email protected]


Medical Licensure Program for
International Medical Graduates

c/o International Medical Graduates
Program (IMGP)
University of Manitoba Faculty
of Medicine
270 – 727 McDermot Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3E 3P5
Tel: (204) 789-3616


CEHPEA: Centre for the
Evaluation of Health
Professionals Educated Abroad

80 Bloor Street West, 9th Floor -
Suite 902
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2V1
Tel: (416) 924-8622 |
Fax: (416) 924-8921
Email: [email protected]


Reconnaissance d’équivalence
du Diplôme universitaire en
médecine et de la formation

Collège des médecins du Québec
2170, boul. René-Lévesque Ouest
Montréal, Québec, H3H 2T8
Tel: (514) 933-4441
Toll Free: 1-888-633-3246|
Fax: (514) 933-3112
Email: [email protected]

Recrutement Santé Québec
(Recruitment Health Quebec)

Direction de la main-d’oeuvre
médicale (Medical Workforce

Ministère de la Santé et des
Services Sociaux (Department
of Health and Social Services)

1075, chemin Ste-Foy, 10th floor
Québec (Québec) G1S 2M1
Fax: (418) 266-6978
Email: [email protected]

Nova Scotia:

Clinician Assessment for
Practice Program (CAPP)

College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Nova Scotia

Suite 200, 1559 Brunswick St.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada, B3J 2G1
Tel: (902) 482-2917
Toll-free (Nova Scotia only):
1 (877) 282-7767 |
Fax: (902) 422-7476
Email: [email protected]


Clinical Skills Assessment
and Training (CSAT) Program

Program Coordinator
Faculty of Medicine,
Memorial University of Newfoundland
c/o Western Memorial Regional Hospital
P.O. Box 2005,
Corner Brook,
Newfoundland and Labrador,
A2H 6J7
Email: [email protected]
Tel: (709) 639-2728
Fax: (709) 634-9175

Step 4:
Obtain a license to practice medicine in Canada

Licensure Authorities

College of Physicians and
Surgeons of British Columbia

Suite 400, 858 Beatty Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 1C1
Tel: (604)-733-7758 or 1-800-461-3008
Fax: (604)-733-3503 (general)
(604)-694-6104 (registration)
Email: [email protected] or
[email protected]

College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Alberta

900 Manulife Place
10180 - 101 Street
Edmonton, AB T5J 4P8
Tel: (780)-423-4764
Physicians-only line: 1-800-320-8624
Fax: (780)-420-0651
Email: [email protected]

College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Saskatchewan

211 Fourth Avenue South
Saskatoon, SK S7K 1N1
Tel: (306)-244-7355 or 1-800-667-1668
Fax: (306)-244-0090 (general)
(306)-244-2600 (registrar)
Email: [email protected]

College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Manitoba

1000 - 1661 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3J 3T7
Tel: (204)-774-4344
Fax: (204)-774-0750

College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontario

80 College Street
Toronto, ON M5G 2E2
Tel: (416)-967-2603 or
1-800-268-7096 (general);
(416)-967-2606 (physicians only)
Email: [email protected]

Le Collège des médecins du Québec
(College of Physicians of Quebec)

2170, boulevard René-Levesque Ouest
Montréal, QC H3H 2T8
Tel: (514)-933-4441 ou
Fax: (514)-933-3112
Email: [email protected]

College of Physicians and Surgeons
of New Brunswick

1 Hampton Road, Suite 300
Rothesay, NB E2E 5K8
Tel: (506)-849-5050 or
Fax: (506)-849-5069 |
Email: [email protected]

College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Newfoundland & Labrador

139 Water Street, Suite 603
St. John’s, NL A1C 1B2
Tel: (709)-726-8546 |
Fax: (709)-726-4725
Email: [email protected]

College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Nova Scotia

Suite 5005 - 7071 Bayers Road
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L 2C2
Tel: (902)-422-5823 or
1-877-282-7767 (toll-free)
Fax: (902)-422-5035
Email: [email protected]

College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Prince Edward Island

199 Grafton Street
Charlottetown, PE C1A 1L2
Tel: (902)-566-3865
Fax: (902) 566-3986

Yukon Medical Council
c/o Registrar of Medical Practitioners
Box 2703 C-5
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2C6
Tel: (867)-667-5111 | Fax: (867)-667-3609
Email: [email protected]

Department of Health and Social Services
Government of the Northwest Territories
Medical Registration Committee

PO Box 1320
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9
Tel: (867)-920-8058 | Fax: (867)-873-0484
Email: [email protected]

Department of Health and Social Services
Government of Nunavut
Medical Registration Committee
Professional Licensing

2nd Floor NCC Building, Box 390
Kugluktuk, NU X0B 0E0
Tel: (867)-975-5700 |
Fax: (867)-975-5705
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.nunavut-

Step 5: Find a job as a physician

Physician Recruitment

British Columbia:


Calgary, Alberta:





New Brunswick:

Nova Scotia:




NorthWest Territories:


IMG Canada:
Communication and Cultural Competence Program:
Foreign Credentials Referral Office:
Physician Credentials Registry of Canada (PCRC):
Canadian Resident Matching Service:
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada:
Canadian Association of Interns and Residents:
Canadian Post-M.D. Educational Registry:
Canadian Federation of Medical Students:
College of Family Physicians of Canada:
Canadian Medical Association:
Canadian Medical Association Journal:
Council of Ontario Faculties of Medicine:
Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada:
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada:
Health Canada:
Ontario Medical Association:
Society of Rural Physicians of Canada:
Going to Canada:

© 2008 - 2010
CanadaQBank is not affiliated with the Medical Council of Canada (MCC). The MCCEE, MCCQE Part 1 and MCCQE Part 2 are trade-marks of the Medical Council of Canada (MCC). None of these trademarks are held by CanadaQBank.